Sunday, July 15, 2012

Storage Facility

It's the garage.

The garage is making me batty. In fact, the garage is freaking me out with it's level of chaos, that I can't even think straight.

Within this little part of my house contains all of his stuff. From the pics, you would think that I must have messed it up or have done something to it, but I have not. This is how my husband actually lives.

For me, this garage is the representation of the chaos that is within my husband. This is the physical manifestation of someone who is in a state of utter confusion.

Unfortunately, his clutter, I feel, is the primary reason for my own state of confusion and I need to have cleaned out.

My support system is nil on this one for some reason. Even my own son is being intentionally absent from helping me, so I need to go it alone.

I'm hoping that I can pull everything out into the driveway, tarp it, and let his friends pick it up over the next couple days. That's what I hope anyway.

It's driving me batty having his stuff around and I wonder why God hasn't given me someone to help me with this task.

What it is doing, is showing me my lack of support and maybe that is why I am holding onto all his crap. Like I talked about before, he was my main support even though he was bad. Truth is, I don't have anyone else and it also shows me, I can't really count on anyone and I don't want to be in this position in the future.

This is so painful and these are the times when my Mom was helpful. I know she would rally and force you to put on your big girl panties. If I had her in my life, the garage wold have been cleaned out long ago. Mom never liked to linger.

I just need to do it. Maybe get some help here and there from some neighbors, but just do it.

Now is the time for all of us to clean out the recesses of our minds to make way for new and fresh thoughts.

No more lingering! Get up and do it!

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