Sunday, July 1, 2012

It has it's place

I went for my run/walk today and I thought a lot about my last post. Bang the sh*# out of, has it's place. Not ALL the time, but it has it's place.

You know what else has it's place, I'm guessing, is the person you are just having that with.

Enter, "Mercedes girl", but first, a little background: 

My neighbor is an asshole. In fact, there is the asshole and the other asshole neighbor's, the Looky-Lou's, across the street.

Asshole is in the military and grew up with an alcoholic abusive father. He hated his father growing up, but somewhere between growing up and having a child, Asshole had a change of heart about the way he was raised. He raised his son very strict (not extremely) and I have witnessed him belittling his son over a myriad of issues.

When I was single and in shape, Asshole would ask me out...all....the....time and I always said no. Call me crazy, but I figured anyone who treated their own son like that, would treat me worse, eventually. He even tried that with my son once and my ex nearly came over to rip his throat out.

He can't keep a relationship and I have seen him even recently, leering at me from across his living room and into my kitchen window. I told my husband about this and it was of no surprise to him. He always said he thought Asshole was weird, but he liked him anyway. He'd go over to Asshole's house when he wanted some hard alcohol because Asshole always had a ton. 

Asshole tried to befriend me after the separation. I thought for sure that not only was he being nice but, he saw the wisdom of trying to mend fences with me. I am the home owner and I know on many occasions he knew what was going on in my house. I believe his son may have heard it and told him once. He seemed like a practical misogynist though and understood that, being in the Navy and wanting promotions (they have to interview everyone around him when they get a promotion), being nice to me was kind of a "have to". I was starving for a little kindness anyways after the separation fiasco.

Sally, is this cute, smart, and vivacious young girl that is bananas over Asshole. She spent a year just worrying about only his oral orgasm's then her own (he told this to my husband and I!). He also has Janey, who lives in his hometown in the deep south and doesn't seem to give two sh*#'s about him, and then there's Mercedes girl.

Of course, he is crazy about the one who doesn't give two sh*#'s about him and whenever you talk to him, constantly laments about her. I don't care, it's gets me talking about something other then my relationship which is the hot topic for everyone.

Asshole and I aren't talking because he has decided to rub up against my husband and gives him detailed reports about me (this doesn't work the other way around. I've tried). He was even going to testify on my husbands behalf! He and the Looky-Lou's are hoping for cheap labor from my husband and, just like Janey from the south and Asshole, really couldn't give two sh*#'s about me, my son, or even husband.

So Sally was over last night, but not all night. Guess who was there in the morning? Yup, Mercedes girl!

Mercedes girl, (he has never told us her actual name, but honestly refers to her by the car she drives) is diminutive which suits Asshole just fine because he's petite as well. Yes, this rounds out the picture beautifully, doesn't it? Asshole has little man's complex. She has weird protruding forehead, but it doesn't matter because the two thing's she does have is a vagina and relationship phobia's. She doesn't like commitment and just wants to have fun. She has the social skills of a gnat and you get the feeling right off that she doesn't like women.

Sorry, but I have a problem with men who dislike women and I REALLY have a problem with women who dislike their own sex. Aren't you disliking yourself? Haven't we all had it with the girl who tries to be cool and non-women friendly? 

Anywho, all the while I am starving to raise my son by working long hours, the Looky-Lou's are feeling sorry for the Asshole diminutive bachelor next door to me. Inviting him over for dinner and holidays, bringing him over casseroles, and treating him like he can't wipe his own ass.

Why do we feel sorry for the single dad in our society who drive off his wife by being a controlling weirdo than the single mom? Why does his 45 year old diminutive self have a plethora of women clamoring to be with him?

I'm begging you, once you know, please tell me.

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