Thursday, July 12, 2012

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

I'm really trying to become healthy again and in an effort to do this, I have thrown myself in every spiritual situation I can.

The definition of a healthy human being is one who has all their base's covered. This typically means having the mind, body, and spirit all working together to make a better you.

Right now mind (school) and body (stairs) are working together, but the spirit has been lacking.

Enter, every spiritual situation, healer, or freak I can find in my quest to be one with the universe. Oummm...

Slosh, took me to a woman's bible study at her church last night. Yes, she goes to church between wine and her honey's big peen I always get to hear about. I am sure I don't look like the Queen of restraint when it comes to my facial expressions. Some have called me "animated". That night, I'm sure, with my eyes bulging and my mouth ajar, I looked shocked. The late teen daughter of the pastor was playing her homemade music about Jesus for, what seemed like, two songs that lasted a half century. Looking like Lori from the Partridge Family on her keyboard singing, "Jeeeeeeeeesus....Jeeeeeeeesus.....Oh, Jeeeeeeeesus....," into infinity whilst well-healed women had their arms stretched up into the air, crying. At some point, I know someone was talking that weird tongue stuff that always freaks me out. The next song was even better where she actually sang a song about how Jesus will take care of our wardrobes for in-climate weather in the winter months. Not joking here, folks.

Then the pastor's wife speaks. She has on expensive "casual wear", a big ring, and huge fake boobs. Did she pray for those or did one of their 5 churches do that? Yes, crowds gather in the church every Sunday to watch their pastor on a huge projector and then they go home. Feel better? If they put it on youtube, I could just worship Jesus while lying in bed in my eating robe.

Then I went to therapy where my Psychologist believes I may be the real life Marilyn from "The Munsters." I have been telling her for weeks how I have always been beholden to waves of emotion from my sister and my mother. For years, their weird sensitivities have manipulated my life to the point that I don't even care anymore. Just one more wild accusation or overly sensitive weirdness and *poof*, their gone. Unless I want to kowtow to them and bow my head to exclaim how insensitive and horrible I really am (when I know that I'm not) then they stop talking to you. LOL, don't worry, it has been happening since I was little, I just roll my eyes at this point. See, manic/depressives are my thang and we're trying to have me not be drawn to those types of people. Crazies shouldn't feel like home.

Speaking of crazies, I then went to a psychic healer today. Yes folks, I spent $120 on an hour of crazy. I had to lead her most of the time.

Psychic - "I see that your husband would give you money."
Me - "No, actually, I was supporting him."
Psychic - "Well the, what are you worried about?"

Then she had me lay on a massage table and she touched my head and feet while making these weird noises. Finally, she looked at me and said the bonds with my husband were broken.

I paid her. I guess I feel better, but maybe it takes a while.

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