Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Blame the Midol

After my 24 hours of spiritual cleansing, I'm throwing in the towel.

I was in a thoughtful mood. In fact, you could say, I was a little dreamy driving home mulling over the days events.

The radio wasn't on and I had just left the psychic reader. I'm going back and forth over whether I feel anything or not for my husband. Were the bonds actually broken? I feel a little differently, but not much. Maybe it needs a day or two to process and cure before it solidifies.

As I round the bend after a loooong drive back home, my thoughts feel all kinds of jumbled. Then it happens. I didn't gasp. I didn't think. I saw my husband in street clothes speed walking and looking freaked out. He's so concentrated that he doesn't see me. I stop the car with no hesitation at all and while rolling down the window I say, "Is everything okay??"

He looks at me and backs up to take a breather, and then it hits me. I JUST TALKED TO MY EX! I go to get out of there and, being so flustered, I stalled out the car.

By this time, my husband is running by me on the other side of the street in a compete panic. I don't think I have ever seen him run so fast!

I got out of there and called every one of my support ladies to confess.

Ugh, knee-jerk reaction. Where was that doubt, God? You always put doubt in my head before I do something stupid. Even if it's for a split second, you always gave me the gift doubt and now nothing.

What gives, God?

I called to get my money back from Ms. Psychic Reader.

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