Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independent Day!

I did the dreaded stairs again. Twice. Grrr...I'm starting to feel vivacious and strong. I'm now at 188 pounds and am starting to feel great.

Even though I feel great and will look amazing one day, I know I can't ever compete with 19.

Suddenly, I have empathy for Demi Moore. Here she was, this amazingly wealthy, talented (well, business wise), and sophisticated woman. She decides to marry Ashton Kutcher. This guy is a 25 year old douche who is less talented, has no sophistication ("Punk'd" = n'uff said), and financially pales to Ms. Demi. Their marriage, never mind courtship, came out of the blue.

She probably thought that this was the one. Bruce Willis, her hubby before Ashton, was a well-known philanderer at the time of their marriage and basically kept her up in B.F. Idaho raising their daughters.

Finding love with a younger man who maybe hasn't ever said, "I love you", to anyone before you or who looks at you adoringly can be amazing. No man has looked at you that way before. In fact, every man you have come across as a successful woman wants to either conquer you or compete with you.

There is no games, just someone falling all over themselves just to be with you and it can be intoxicating. You haven't seen such a case of puppy love since you were in high school. Finally, you let this person in. Your support system is all for it because they love you and feel that it's about time someone treated you with such respect. Older men can come with a plethora of issues covered in a mask of slickness. It's awesome having a man who is gorgeous, young, and his eye are brimming with love for you.

Then they grow. In fact, they are the slow leech that you don't even notice. By this I mean, they slowly drain you of your life-force and become bigger, stronger, and more sophisticated. All this time, they have stood on your shoulders and reached for the stars.

When they are ready, they either leave or, and in most cases, they start to sabotage the relationship. See, these guys are ultimately cowards. That's why they need to stand on a stronger person because they can't do it, or anything, themselves.

Now Ashton is out there dating Mila Kunis who is twenty-something and Demi looks gaunt and frail. I get it now, Demi. You can't eat. You can't sleep. Your life-force has been slowly drained and is beating in another human being who is humping on someone younger and more taught then you are.

I get it. You thought he was the one and the grief is unbearable because now you're older and he just moves along seamlessly.

On this independent day, find your life-force again. Take it in baby steps. If you haven't meditated in a while, force yourself to do so. Go for a brisk walk or force yourself to march up those steps.

It's your life-force and it's time to take it back!

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