Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Home Depot

I heart Home Depot.

In fact, I think I love Home Depot more than any other kind of store.

Today, as I entered the building, I felt my heart race.

Oh Home Depot, I have not been inside your tool-laden warehouse in years. Your door, screws, and toilets. I just know I need everything in there! Home Depot is such a tease with it's specials so conveniently placed at the end of every aisle. It's enough to make me salivate all over one of your orange-bib lackeys that you can never find.

I know you may not have the same zealotry about the depot as I do, but you have to understand where I'm coming from.

In 7 years, I have not been able to touch any home improvement because it would drive my soon-to-be ex nuts.

Some of our worst arguments came from me simply picking up a paint brush or a screw driver. He felt a sudden surge of inadequacy while sitting on the couch playing his X-Box as I was painting my son's room. It made him insecure while I just wanted to get things done.

Typically, I knew this would create a horrendous argument, so I tried doing it when he wasn't home (which was almost never). There still would be an argument.

In the end, I just stopped even trying to do some of the little things around the house that made me happy. I went from Ms Fix-it to Ms. Depressed. I tried to learn to enjoy watching him play his X-Box all day, but my life got too small. Thankfully, I started school to be able to have an excuse to be doing something productive and away from him.

But, now I'm back!

Now all I have to do is get his stuff out of the garage so I can buy my own set of tools (shuddering in excitement). 

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