Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Am I the Only One?

I've never considered myself a good-two-shoes, but my clients are making me think that I am.

Today, a very pretty Asian woman I have known for a long time came in. Just the usual, Brazilian waxing with a landing strip down the front.

Like with all my clients, we get to talking. See, my job puts me in a very intimate position where most if not all clients, reveal ALL.They feel it's safe because I'm not part of their "inner circle".

She seems particularly on edge today and needed to get something off her chest. Almost immediately after she gets on the table, she starts her confession.

Her fiance is a nice, middle aged, single dad who one might even call, nerdy. He's better looking now a days because she has dressed him in the right clothes and took him to the right groomers. He earns a good living and I believe from our conversations is the main reason she stuck with him. She was in the mortgage business during the housing collapse and was a single mom who started really struggling.

I felt for her because she had finally left the Asian gangsters with the drinking, smoking, partying ways that she was hanging around with (the very same my soon-to-be ex finds intriguing) and found comfort in being just she and her daughter.

Than comes rich guy (who she originally wanted to set me up with and told me he was boring). He moved she and her daughter in with his 3 kids.

Now, after a few years of being with this guy, the party girl is coming back out. They were in Mexico and she talked him into having a threesome. They were on the boat and took her future husbands hands and placed them on her best friends breasts (she watched as her overly promiscuous BFF performed fellatio on him). She has got him drinking copious amounts of alcohol and going to strip clubs.

Now she is wringing her hands because she knows he's a classy guy and she may have gone too far with him.

I talked her down and told her that I know a ton of women who are cheating, doing copious amounts of cock-tailing, coke, and swinging, but they all have one thing in common. They live conservative lives. They are the people you would never think of and are of all socioeconomic class types.

It sounds weird, but you rarely hear an Asian woman confess to a woman outside of her race. Most play demure, tiny, and cute with such gifted excellence that you would never know that a lot of them cheat mercilessly. I have seen all women do it, but Asian women are so tight-lipped with each other that it would have to take a minor slip-up from a BFF for you to even get the hint of a clue. It's really quite masterful.

Hmmm...I think this really ties in with people's idea of racial stereotypes. 

With all this over-information that I am getting inundated with every day, I feel so dull, but honestly, I'm okay with that.

These things go on the list of what I haven't done nor want too:

1) Any drugs except I have tried marijuana.
2) Drank in excess where I blacked out.
3) Had a threesome, group sex, orgies, etc.
4) A DUI.
5) Had sex with anyone of my friends (or relatives! Have to say that these days) husbands or boyfriends.
6) Paid for sex.
7) Encouraged someone I am with to have an affair.
8) Lesbian anything (includes kissing and whatnot).
9) Tried to encourage the woman who wax's me to come home with my husband and I or came onto her at the spa.
10) Got caught doing coke in the public restroom of a spa (close that door, ladies!).

Yes, I have either heard all this stuff in varying stories or, like in number 9, witnessed it from clients. There is so much more, but it is their secrets to tell, not mine.

I do feel boring, but what's wrong with saving your money and going on a trip to see beautiful sights? Take out your excitement there.

What is missing in your psyche that you have to be so GD decadent? 

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