Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Debt (yuck):

Ah, debt. Doesn't that word just conjure up the most wonderful warm and fuzzy feelings that come from the far reaches of your heart? Wrong! Debt sucks.

You know what sucks even worse than debt?? Is reaching into the far reaches of your filing cabinet and pulling out 7 years worth of debt from your marriage. Yes, folks I have years worth of credit card statements all splayed out on my dining room table.

Okay, so I'm a little anal and have each year color coded for easy access for the last 15 years, but who cares? Hey, it took me a total of about 45 minutes to find everything I was looking for and I found a few too many surprises as well.

So, you know my soon-to-be ex is not only a compulsive liar, but he's also manic. Within a year of our relationship, he went out to his hometown (think chew and meth) and opened up 1, 2, 3, 4...5 credit cards! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he was able to do this while I was working (and he wasn't) because the bank employee knew his family and their now defunct hometown family business.

Unfortunately for me, he opened up a joint credit card with both our names and he as the primary signer, but he also opened up a business credit card under MY business name and also put himself as the primary signer. Thankfully, I wasn't there and didn't have complete knowledge about these goings on so I am not wholly responsible.

Before all this, I was completely paid off on all my debts and only had my house to worry about, but he seemed so sure and led me to believe that if the shit came down, he had a stash of money hanging out in a credit union somewhere (LIE).

It wasn't until I opened up a joint checking account so we could both make deposits for these new bills did I get a jarring dose of reality. First off, I noticed I was pretty much the only one making deposits. Clue numero uno. But, I went to the bank one day and all the money was gone. The bank teller politely handed me the paperwork and it was a garnishment in his name. I called the company that was suing him to ask for my money back and the lady said she couldn't do it. She wouldn't let me know the total of his debt, but she did offer me some advice, "Honey, I wouldn't marry him."

Thank you debt collector lady! I didn't listen...

He started working as the repair guy for a company that manufactures mobile homes. He traveled all across the state with a friend of his, staying in hotels, buying food, clothes for he and his friend, room service, entertainment, etc. When he maxed out his own business card, than he maxed out mine. All the while he promised me that he would pay it back. Even if he had to work two jobs, dig ditches, or work in fast food, he would pay it back. He never paid it back.

I have all the statements of his flagrant manic usage. I love the over $700 dollar one to a sportsman store because god knows every spa needs guns, bows, and deer piss for their clients.

Luckily, I have also the receipts for this office he said he made me. I had to pay cash for most of it because he ran up all the credit cards and never (or told me he didn't) get paid.

The biggest travesty I found while perusing through the statements: the entire weekend away at the coast (gas, food, lodging, souvenirs, etc) that he had planned to get engaged to me, was on MY business credit card, as well as....


He's such a peach. The best part is that if he files bankruptcy, ALL that debt...goes to me.

Happy Birthday! Woot!

A man who takes advantage of a divorced single mom, should have his balls in a sling. Thank you.

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