Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's ALL Lies....

I can't seem to ever get specifics out of my brain. After an exhaustive search to find the truth, I'm still at a crossroads.

Here, so far, is just some of the tally of the lies:

My Lawyer:
1) She told me that my soon-to-be ex hubbies brother and sister-in-law were not going to testify. The brother and sister-in-law told me that they tried at least 7 times to call her back with no response.

2) I had asked her for months for the affidavit from soon-to-be ex hubbies counter claim against the restraining order. First, she sent me ours and promised me she'd send it. I finally picked it up at her office last week and noticed that she had never scanned it for me...didn't even try to send it.

3) She had told me at the restraining order contesting document that he had called me some sort of drug addict and that he was my supplier (this is hilarious because the only thing I actually do that might be considered horrible is that I talk on my cell phone while driving with my earphones on). She had also said that he was accusing me of being abusive. After finally reading the document, none of these accusations are even listed. The only thing that was said was that I was controlling and wouldn't let him see his friend (LOL!).

My neighbor:

1) I've been mulling this over and something's wrong. During our conversation last Sunday, he said that he had no idea that soon-to-be-ex was challenging the restraining order. Yet, I remember coming home on that day at about 3:30 or 4:00pm and he was home. Was he sick or did he opt out? There are openings in that document that would mention him, but not by name. Last minute editing, maybe?

2) He also told me during our conversation that he never even met soon-to-be ex hubbies roommate even though, he admitted to me months ago, at the same party (80's night at The Spot). Never mind the fact that soon-to-be ex-hubby lives with that guy and neighbor and he were hanging out. And the Black Keys concert? Hmmm??

3) Tons of phone records during that time to my neighbors cell phone (remember: I was paying for the soon-to-be ex cell phone at that time). Not to mention, my other ex-hubby (yes, I'm into marrying abusive a-holes) is all over my soon-to-be ex phone records and he, of course, bold-face lies to me about it. (THE RECORDS DON'T LIE). 

4) Neighbor being the anal retentive sort never got to the things he wanted sorted out at his house (ie; this big tree fell over in his front yard and the root system was still there, the tiling of his kitchen counters, the guest bathroom). He readily admitted that he wanted soon-to-be ex to do these things for him, but now that he is moving around for the next year, he is NOW getting to these projects. Why now? Was he just waiting for the restraining order to be lifted by next spring to soon-to-be ex can do his projects for free or with a substantial discount. Remember: both my neighbors will forgo having scruples for a cheap price or in this case, cheap labor.

My ex thinks he's moving these people like a game of chess, but in reality, it's not working like that. My lawyer does mention that she believes that his lawyer is a "Douche-Bag who drank the kool-aid" that my ex has been pouring, but has he? Maybe none of them believe him or even care. Why is my lawyer forwarding some of his lawyers correspondences where he threatens and talks like an ass, but not the others?

My neighbor and ex-hubby could be just using soon-to-be ex. Neighbor likes constant movement and always having something to do (he also likes cheap labor). Soon-to-be ex is a ball of manic energy who is always up to something and needs to feed his mania. Plus, I am sure that his constant flattery and fun is an awful lot like a friend that neighbor had for many years, but lost him to the motherland for good times and BS'ers, Las Vegas. Neighbor has to be good to me because...well, I'm his neighbor and, I suppose, my good judgement of him means something.

See people, the great thing about lies is that they always reveal themselves. No lie stays hidden.

It's like what the English say, "The truth will out."

One thing you can be sure of, there will be more to come...

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