Saturday, August 4, 2012

A True Friend

After hosting a bunch of the overly demanding Living Social coupon people, I ended my day today on a high note. One of my regulars came in to get her pre-wedding waxing done and, of course, we got to talking.

I've been following the latest of her wedding dramas and was really interested on how things were shaping up.

See, her typically conservative best friend/maid of honor decided to venture out and become part of a threesome for a married couple. The lucky male in this scenario is one of the brides best male friends and the wife works in the same building as the bride.

Things are moving along swimmingly until said husband starts wanting more time with his new found toy, the BFF. Husband and wife decide to split up and, throughout all this, the BFF never mentions a word of it to the bride.

Hubby and BFF start dating (and whatever) while the wife laments at home on her awful mistake of letting another woman have sex with her husband.

Bride is mad. Not only is this creating drama, but BFF has become only concerned with hitting the high hard one with the adulterer; not the wedding. Other bridesmaids are stepping up to fulfill the brides wishes and demands which is creating ill feelings like, "Why am I not the maid of honor? I'm doing everything," etc.

Bride and groom decide enough is enough and that it's time to have a "come to Jesus meeting" with the ill-mannered threesome.

Each separately, the bride and groom takes them one by one to dinner. Every person in the threesome gets the same basic lecture, "We know what your doing. It's wrong. You need to stop or you can't be our friend anymore." Because of this, the threesome stopped. Said hubby went back to sad wife and they are now in counseling. BFF, decided she was out of control and had a drinking problem. She is now in a facility.

This story makes me wonder about my own marriage. If, collectively, people would have said to my husband AND myself, "Straighten out your shit or you can't be my friend anymore," would I be in the place we are now? In fact, would 50% of the marriages end in divorce? Would there be victim crimes or any other crime for that matter if friends actually stepped up and told the person to stop doing what their doing?

There used to be that and it's something called a community. People watched out for each other and the collective made sure when a person stepped out of line, they were pushed back into play. No friends around who got excited about the fact of you being bad and creating drama. These bad associations were looked down upon as worthless.

Now, they want drama so yo give their lives excitement or make them feel normal. Myopic thinking though because once your "friend" settles down, they won't be interested in you. People only like drama for so long and some friends let you just self destruct just so they can watch and some friends, who are true about you and want you stop being stupid.

Choose true friends.

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