Monday, August 13, 2012

Lies, lies, lies...

"A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity" ~ Baltasar Gracian

I love this quote because in one sentence, it encapsulates my whole thought process about people who lie. What do you do though when you discover the man you are married too is a compulsive liar?

I thought my life was calming down from its married-ville soap opera adventures, but that is not the case. Remember how I told you that my neighbor "asshole" was going to testify against me? Well, (make note of this moment) I'm about to eat crow. 

See, my neighbor is going to be going away on business and will be traveling a lot so I thought it's either now or never to confront him on the reasons why he was going to be a character witness for soon-to-be ex-hubby. Plus, the curiosity was killing me and it just makes being neighborly uncomfortable as hell. 

After I have a beer, a glass of wine, and a few minutes of rehearsal time in front of the bathroom mirror, I decide to stomp over there. I ring the door bell. Crap, this is not my best idea. My throat feels dry. I can do it though...I can do this....He answers the door, "What's up?" and then I just kind of blurt it out.

Looking at him intensely, "Were you going to testify against me?" 

I know once he looks at me like I've gone nuts and asks, "What for?" That this is not what I had expected. 

He invites me to come in to have a drink and after a lengthy discussion where I told him what was going on, he was a little miffed. He's a private fellow and knowing that his name was getting bantered about by my soon-to-be ex pissed him off. In fact, he didn't even know that any court dealings were going on. 

Strike #1...

So, now I have to know. Did my other neighbors, the "lookey-lou's", talk to my soon-to-be ex about doing construction on their property once the order was up? I zero in on the wife as she's collecting her mail. Yet another neighbor I have rendered perplexed and dismayed. She has no idea what I am talking about and says she wouldn't hire ex-hubby anyway. She says she thinks he has problems. (No kidding)

Strike #2... 

I'm so confused and I don't even know what the truth is at this point. My mind has been reeling of past events looking at whether soon-to-be ex was telling the truth or not. How far did the lies go and do I really want to spend a lot of time looking at it? Somehow I think falling down the rabbit hole has more stability to it than this mess ever will. 

Is he a compulsive liar or are the neighbors trying to save their collective faces knowing now that the relationship is doomed and I'm the one the have to deal with on a daily basis....

You be the judge.

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