Tuesday, June 26, 2012

There's a Mouse in my Pee-Pad!

After I took a shower this morning, I heard little noises. Now, it didn't really startle me because I have a couple animals and they make all sorts of rumblings on the side of the house. Just my fat cat jumping the fence can feel like an earthquake.

I go back into the bathroom to put my face on (with my new makeup, thank you) and now I can really hear it. Scratches. Loud scratches. In fact, it sounds like my cat is doing that annoying kneading thing with his paws all over a plastic grocery bag, but the cat is no where to be found.

As I put down my new amethyst colored eyeliner, my heart starts to race and I can't move. The wrestling bag noise gets louder and louder. I tentatively look around my bathroom, but I have no idea where that plastic bag sound is coming from. And then it dawns on me, the only thing I have in the bathroom that is in a plastic bag, are my Always Plus Ultra-Liners.

Grabbing my makeup, I run out the door and slam it shut. I'm in a panic not only because I really don't like the fact that some field mouse has set up shop in my panty liners, but also because I NEED MY PEE-PADS! If you have had a kid or two and are a little older, you know what I'm talking about. This means a day without laughing or sneezing (it's a bad allergy season) until I can make it back to Walgreen's.

I'm so afraid to go home, but I need to establish dominance with this critter and let him know that you just can't go around stealing women's pee-pads!

I'm also pissed off because I know the offending mouse is getting through a hole in my house created by my husband's dog, Daisy. She chewed through the siding of my house and I'm sure was a relative of that dog Marley from the movie. Damn him and his spazoid dog!

Thankfully, hawt construction guy called me today and left a message. He would love to do a trade with me (hopefully, it doesn't involve him thinking I'm going anywhere near the peen. Mama don't play that) and wants to come over to see what needs to be done at the house. Ugh, I have to get to the pee-pads before he see's them.

I need to clean up my house before he comes over and I don't know what day that will happen. It's silly because he is there to help me and is kind of like when you hire someone to clean your house, you like to tidy up first. Hey, you don't want them thinking your a slob!

Maybe he can scare off the pee-pad mouse with his blue eyes, muscular build, and his balding head. Gotta love it.

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