Saturday, June 23, 2012


This venom spewing I have been doing lately has finally come up against a force more powerful than anything. Happiness.

I just got through watching the "Happy" movie and then I watched...

Both incredible movies that show how really powerful our thoughts are. I highly recommend both. In fact, I'm ordering you to go get these movies and watch them immediately. Thank you.

It's odd how much venom I was spewing today and how much pain I was in. I heard from a very elegant client of mine who I know is speaking with my ex. As we were texting each other back and forth, I couldn't help but tell her how great I was doing.

"Oh yes, I have lost weight...blah, blah...I'm thinking about my new fall wardrobe....blah, bittyblah.....I just got a Brazilian wax (a total lie)." 

After a while, she wasn't writing me back anymore. Did I go too far? Was he talking to her right then and there? I started having visions of her showing him my texts and he feels like crap. I bet he actually called me all kinds of curse words knowing that I had falsely admitted to getting something he had wanted me to do for years, wax my vajayjay.

As I am watching "I Am", my phone shows there is a new text message. My clients mother-in-law just collapsed and was rushed to ICU. They don't think she's going to make it. And then it hit me.

There are things out there that are bigger then the pain that I am going through. That I have been a wee bit self-absorbed into my own crap that I have neglected the hurts of others that are sometimes worse. This world is greater then me.

This doesn't mean that I'm going to go all altruistic on you. I have a many a grip left in me, but those damn movies got me and you must...

Buy them now and tell 'em Auntie Ann sent you ;)

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