Friday, June 29, 2012

Getting angry

Julie, (the angel married to Kevin) out of the blue, told me to get angry a few days ago. Try as I may, I just can't seem to conjure those feelings. Haven't I been angry for the last 7 years in this relationship?

I feel sadness and tinges of melancholia, but no anger until today.

I bought an iPod Nano today because hubby took my old one. By the way, if you see a contractor working on your house with a pink Nano, you have my permission to beat him over the head and steal it.

Anywho, after an hour of trying to figure this thing out and even watching a YouTube video on how to work it, I finally got it going. I downloaded a bunch of songs, put on my beloved cherry red running shoes, and got out there.

It didn't take long before I noticed that I had downloaded a bunch of angry "I hate you" rock songs and, for the cool down, Adele.  My subconscious took over and it was obvious that my brain knew best. I ran/walked while having my new Nano on full blast and I think I was even belting out the some of the "I hate you" songs.

I don't know if it was the adrenaline rush and all those endorphins swishing inside my head, but one thing is for sure, I GOT ANGRY!

That great wonderful feeling entered almost every fiber of my being and propelled me forward. I looked down and my fists were clenched as I ran and my concentration was intense. I'm sure I looked frightening in all my fierce 5'1ness because everyone got the hell out of my way (or I just looked awkward running. Whichev).

It was nice getting angry and stirring up those feelings. Being able to understand that the way i was treated WAS unfair no matter how much guilt I feel.

Every one deserves to get angry if they are being treated with horrible disrespect.

Ah, what a sigh of relief. Anger, my old friend, I have found you once again.

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