Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mi Familia!

Ah, today I marked myself out and spent a wonderful afternoon with my sister. Mani's, pedi's, and great conversation.

I made that woman get some girly time just because she looked a mess! Spending till 1:00am working on her thesis to get her master's degree had taken it's toll.

The great thing about having a friend or relative in the salon industry is that we all know where to get the best services. Besides all that, the main reason you want to suck up to a person in the industry, you get free access to any beauty supply shop.

We spent hours perusing different supply houses looking for the best toenail and fingernail polishes. Would you like some of the most expensive hair gel? Why yes, and it's 50% off!

I so needed that time, but I wish I could relax more. She was talking to me an awful lot and I felt like I was distracted. We all went to dinner with my son to a cute Italian restaurant and I was hoping that my husband didn't walk in (forgetting that his favorite restaurants consist of panda express type places or basically anywhere you could take an 18 year old).

It was nice chilling out and listening to my son and my sister banter back and forth to each other. I still can't eat, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the festivities.

Once we got back to the house, we talked for hours. They want me to give my ex's cat away at a no-kill shelter and start getting my house back to shape. The goal is to rent out the house by next year and I move into the big city. I'm not sure that's exactly what I want, but it would be nice to just call up a landlord if I need a repair or for him to kill the bug, etc.

My neighbor got home yesterday from his home town. His father died and although I feel badly, I can't help but still feel peeved that he was making me uncomfortable living in my own neighborhood. My ex has been rubbing up against the neighbor and the bag boys at the local supermarket (they play video games together..winning!). Popularity means more to my ex then him growing a personality or just growing in general.

Being around my family today was awesome. It reminds me that you can really pull strength from those who love you and they almost give it to you willingly. They have a vested interest in seeing you on your feet again and they are your healers.

Plus, my mani/pedi looks amazing!

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