Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ms. Gossip

I hate the way people gossip. Okay, I hate when people gossip about me, but I have no problems when people gossip about celebrities.

Anywho, I got home from work early and decided to weed the front yard. Yes, it's starting to look like Avatar plus, I don't want hawt contractor to think I'm a total loser who neglects her home.

My neighbor, Ms. Gossip, has become REALLY friendly lately and doing those annoying "just checkin up on ya,"stop by's. Today was different though and seemed more suspicious than usual.

See, Ms. Gossip's BFF is married to one of hubby's friends (you still following me?). I'm sitting down on the grass doing my weeding thing as Ms. Gossip is strolling down the street talking on her cell phone. She finally gets to my house, see's me, and looks like a deer caught in the headlights. She doesn't say a word to me and just stops, then makes a 180, and walks across the street. While still on the cell phone, she makes sure to get far enough away from me to not hear. After she gets off the phone, she heads back my direction and seems unusually fidgety.

Ms Gossip: "Why are you weeding right now?" (it's 8:00, but it's still really bright out).

Me: "Oh, I just got into the groove of it and thought why not?"

Ms. Gossip: "Ah, okay."

(uncomfortable silence)

Me: "So you talk with your BFF recently?"

Ms. Gossip: " Funny, I was just talking to her. We haven't talked in a while." (I saw BFF over at her house 2 days ago).

Me: "Is her hubby being good?"

Have you ever seen a gossipy person almost explode? By this time she is not just fidgety, but downright uncomfortable. She can't keep eye contact, she doesn't know what to do with her hands, and she even rests two fingers over her mouth as to not suddenly blurt out her secret. Then some weird mumbo-jumbo gibberish comes out of her mouth that doesn't make any sense and then tells me she has to go check on her son. She moved so fast, I swear, smoke came off her heels.(*zoooom*)

Honestly people, the gossip's of the neighborhood are actually making my life seem interesting and this has to be the dullest I have ever been. It's just work, weeding, and Netflix! These people are married. Shouldn't they be having sex or something?

I swear, if you guys ever feel weird about your own singledom, just think, there are married people out there that have it worse and find your life cool.

Celibacy,weeding, work, and Netflix = cool.

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